1. Agro ecology and food Security

This is aimed at equipping the smallholder farming community including young farmers with the ability to be self-reliant and food/ nutrition secured in an ecologically sound way, and where possible to produce surplus and add value for effective marketing.

  • School gardening and life skills

COSDEP runs farming activities in primary and secondary schools as a way of nurturing future young farmers as well as influencing them positively towards agriculture as a career. It also enables these young people to experiment what they learn at home during the holidays. The project also doubles as a display point for the concepts we stand for to the farming community around the schools where the farmers participate during some learning events and take home the lessons for improving their own practices in their homes.

  • Youth entrepreneurship and Market Development

COSDEP acknowledges that many youths from needy families usually drop-out of school. Others are unable to continue after completing these early stages of their education. This hinders them from acquiring technical or professional skills that would enable them become self-reliant. We target working with these youths by focusing on initiatives that can offer life skills that they can apply to either secure employment or become self-reliant.

  • Organizational Development, Networking and Partnerships

An organization’s capacity to access and share information is very vital for its growth. COSDEP is a member of different networks which are like-minded including Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM), Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN), Schools and Colleges Permaculture programme (SCOPE Kenya), HAND IN HAND, STAY ALLIANCE. COSDEP also recognizes the need to continue growing steadily and therefore endeavors to put more effort in organizational development. Gradual growth guarantees stability and some level of certainty and strong understanding of the issues that we deal with in order to remain relevant and focused.

  • COSDEPs Demo farm and Income Generation

This has been another tool of reaching and assisting the farmers as they always had an opportunity to see and believe that ecological agriculture actually works. COSDEPs demonstration farm acts as a platform for interaction between COSDEP and other organizations working in different sectors.